The diagnosis of breast cancer is one difficult pill to swallow. With it comes an onslaught of information to digest and decisions to make. We know, because we've been there! That is why we have made it our mission to make sure that you, as our patient know, without a doubt, that you are not alone. Each member of our team is whole-heartedly devoted to guiding you through this journey. In fact, our mission statement evolved from our relationships with our breast reconstruction patients. "We want every patient to feel as though they are our only patient and that we are your only doctor." We pride ourselves with working with, what we hope does not come across as glib; "the dream team for your nightmare" (general surgeons, oncologist, radiologist, and pathologist) and we participate in every aspect of your care.
Offering you more options
When we first opened our practice in the Clear Lake Area, no other plastic surgeon offered patients the option of beginning the reconstruction process at the time of surgical excision. One reason for this may be because it requires a tremendous amount of interaction between a plastic surgeon, their patient, and surgical oncologist or general surgeon. It is so important that you like your doctor and their staff. It is even more important that you trust your doctor and their staff to help you with every detail. This is not a date, but a marriage. Lately, with the economy's effect on cosmetic procedure bookings, we have seen more plastic surgeons begin to offer this as an option. We've been here physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially for the patients no one was eager to help, and we will remain here, even after the economy resurges.
While every patient is unique and treatment plan specifically designed, we will provide a general guideline for how things usually progress for someone who chooses reconstruction at the time of surgical excision or mastectomy. This is a very clinical description of what will be a life-changing journey for you and for us.
1. We meet!
Normally, patients are referred to us by either a general surgeon or a radiologist to discuss the many options for reconstructive surgery. Our medical patient coordinator would schedule that appointment. While our schedule is usually booked six months in advance, we strategically keep openings in our schedule for our patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. In fact, it is not unheard of that one of our general surgeon colleagues to call our office and ask if they can send a patient directly to our office, even if just to make the initial contact and get an appointment.
2. We plan
Dr. Barlow takes great care to understand your pathology, proposed treatment plans, and especially your concerns. Our goal is to provide for you the best information so that you can make the best decision for you. Sometimes, just having another physician explain things again, helps. We also have a network of patients who have offered their phone numbers to you. They have been where you are and want to help you through their experiences. Mostly, they want you to know what you should look for when choosing a plastic surgeon.
3. We take action
Once a clear plan is created we begin working as your advocate. We coordinate surgical schedules between your general surgeon and Dr. Barlow. We coordinate with your insurance company doing our best to help you navigate through what can be a complicated process. We coordinate with the hospital for your pre-operative screening, O.R. scheduling, and admitting process.
4. We keep you in the know
Our goal is to stay on top of everything for you. We want to be your "go to" staff. We plan all of your post-operative follow-up appointments one year out. We provide all of this information in a folder for your reference. We program Dr. Barlow's cell phone number into you and your caregiver's cell phones.
5. We leave you in good hands
We have worked extremely hard to create a special relationship with the hospital staff. Your comfort and well-being is of the utmost importance to us. However, if at any time, you have a question or concern, simply call Dr. Barlow directly. Dr. Barlow will see you the next morning, but don't be surprised if our staff pops in to say hello and check up on you too!
6. We keep a good thing going
Once you and Dr. Barlow agree that you are comfortable and prepared to be discharged from the hospital, Dr. Barlow and our medical patient coordinator stays in communication with you. No question or concern is too little for us. We are at your service. We will see you at all of your follow-up appointments. It is not uncommon to call a doctors office to schedule a follow up appointment only to hear a frustrated scheduler say "I'm trying to see where I can squeeze you in!" Be clear, there is no one more important to us than our post-operative patients, we work our schedule around YOU! That is why all of your post-operative appointments are created for you BEFORE you even have your surgery.
7. Things progress
8. Eleven to twelve months
In case you haven't guessed, by now you are our family. We like to schedule a quick appointment for you at our office on the day that you receive your last chemotherapy treatment. Given that we are next door to M.D. Anderson's Bay Area Campus, we hope that you will pop in to see us whenever you can. We love to visit with you and grab a hug! At this point, we feel we've been through so much together that we get a little separation anxiety! Mostly we are so happy for you. We continue to see you every year, monitor your progress, and catch up on your life!
That was a general description of the best-case scenario. However, this is cancer, and one thing is certain, things are not always predictable and healing is not always optimal in the immune-compromised patient. A few things to consider when choosing your plastic surgeon are:
This was a detailed description of just ONE of many options we make available for our patients. One thing we hear over and over, "Dr. Barlow, my breast look prettier than they did before my mastectomy, what can you do for the rest of me?" We always giggle.
During our patient's healing process they sometimes feel it is difficult to keep their friends, and family, up to date on all the details of their treatment. Or, sometimes, they are just tired of rehashing the events over and over again. For our patients that are interested, we would like to recommend they utilize a site such as CaringBridge. The website offers users the ability to create their own personal blog page, where they may write whatever they want; from daily updates on how you are feeling, to just the basic plans for treatment. You can then invite whomever you think would be interested in receiving your updates. Whenever you update your blog, CaringBridge automatically emails everyone on the email list that you provided letting all know that you have updated your blog. The best part about CaringBridge is that it is a free, non-profit, website dedicated to helping you connect with friends and family, and to share information, gain support, or, to just get it all off of your chest! If you have any questions on how to utilize the site, please do not hesitate to contact our office, and we will assist you in any way that we can.