Non-surgical methods can also be used to treat localized areas of adiposity (fatty collection). As it turns out, increasing or decreasing the ambient temperature of a fat cell for long enough will cause the cell to "reprogram" itself and it will go into shut-down mode. Current clinical modalities include reducing the temperature (e.g., CoolSculpting) or increasing the temperature (e.g., truSculpt). For either modality, the cellular response develops over two to four months. The response to decreasing cellular temperatures can be enhanced by mechanical massage as soon as the treatment head is removed. Both treatments are performed in the office with minimal discomfort. No anesthesia is required! Non-surgical treatments like these are used for localized fatty deposits and are not appropriate for global fat reduction. CoolSculpting and truSculpt are frequently combined with other breast or body procedures but can be performed as the sole procedure.
At the time of your initial consultation, you will meet with Dr. Barlow and discuss your concerns and goals. He will examine you and then offer possible solutions, both surgical and non-surgical. At this time, the extent of the corrective surgery will be explained. Pre-operative photographs may also be made to facilitate surgical planning. Of course, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered.
Post-treatment, you will be seen at intervals over the following four months. Bruising is uncommon but a small amount of swelling in the treatment areas can occur. No restrictions in activity are required unless you also have a surgical procedure.
Please be aware that many offices, clinics and spas are offering CoolSculpting, truSculpt or other non-surgical treatments to reduce fat. By receiving your treatment here, you can be reassured that your assessment, treatment and outcome are all being directed by a board certified plastic surgeon.
Non-surgical fat reduction is a very gratifying procedure for both Dr. Barlow and his patients, especially for those patients who may not be good surgical candidates. Most patients are very pleased with the increased self-esteem they experience. Dr. Barlow looks forward to meeting with you and discussing your options. Call or e-mail today to schedule your appointment!